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2018 - 2023 (Ph.D. in Informatics in Education)

Cartographies of aesthetic practices in Virtual Reality

This project aims to map students’ aesthetic practices from their exploration with virtual reality (VR) technology through artistic activities, at first viewing VR videos and then creating 3D scenarios within a virtual environment. In this regard, this study seeks to contribute to Arts and interdisciplinary education within the scope of Brazilian education and in line with STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics) education.

The following objectives will be pursued:

a) to map students’ aesthetic experiences upon implementation of VR technology through face-to-face and remote learning;

b) to carry out a theoretical and poetic mapping of works and projects that use VR in their artistic processes;

c) to create head-mounted displays (HMD’s) through craft assembly;

d) to plan and perform practical artistic activities using virtual reality with students.

Funding: CAPES/PROEX/DAAD - Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre/RS, Brazil (with research stay at University of Bonn 2021/2022)
Phase 1: 2020 (finished)

An initial study was conducted with 7 (seven) students experimenting with an RV device (Oculus Go) featuring 360° video applications and creation software. This phase was implemented as an experimental study between the months of May and June 2020, in which each student viewed two VR audiovisual stories, deliberately selected to help them become familiar with virtual reality. The following videos were selected for the meetings: Henry (2015) and The Dreams of Dalí (2016). In terms of VR creation software, SculptrVR (2018) was selected because it features an intuitive and easy-to-use interface, with no need for time-consuming familiarization with its tools.
Phase 2: 2021 (finished)

Given the school closures since March 2020, an online workshop was developed with 7 (six) children from 8- to 12-year-old in Brazil. During this workshop, children crafted their own VR display through assembly, as well as immersing themselves in visual experiences and creating a narrative virtual environment.
Phase 3: 2021-2022 (Research stay at Medienkulturwissenschaft at University of Bonn, in cooperation with the museum NRW-Forum Düsseldorf)
Funding: Kofinanziertes Forschungskurzstipendium Brasilien 2021/DAAD
The research project "Developing esthesis in Virtual Reality: cartographies of students’ sensitive experiences through Art" is being held at the Chair of Media and Cultural Studies at the University of Bonn and seeks to map students’ sensory and aesthetic creation experiences in VR.
More about the Project

2016 - 2018 (Master in Education & Cultural Studies)
Digital Literature for Children: Reading practices within the family context
Abstract: The purpose of this research is to analyze how 3 to 10-year-old children read literary app books in Brazilian family contexts. For this purpose, it was conducted field research with three groups of readers - Group 1: Gabriel, 3 years old; Group 2: Elena, 4 years old and Isabella, 7 years old; Group 3: Ana Paula, 8 years old and Rafael, 10 years old. Prior to the meetings, in addition to interviews with parents, eight app books were selected and analyzed, as well as reading activities were prepared to be performed with the children. The meetings were held at each family's home, where videos were recorded of the readers interacting with the book apps. The theoretical framework is composed of three main areas, namely Cultural Studies and Education, Children's Literature Studies, Studies about digital literary works (for adults and children), and the main researchers used are Stuart Hall, Raymond Williams, David Buckingham, Frank Serafini, Danielle Kachorsky, Earl Aguilera, William Teale, Junko Yokota, Eliseo Verón, Marisa Lajolo, Regina Zilberman, Cristina Correro, and Neus Real. The methodology used to carry out the research consisted of bibliographic research related mainly to children's digital literature, content analysis of the app books, data collected from audiovisual recordings produced with the children after reading the works, as well as notes in a research notebook. 

Funding: CAPES/PROSUP - Lutheran University of Brazil, Canoas/RS

Full research
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